Accelerate cannabis / marijuana and buds’ growth with MicrobeBio beneficial microbes

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Accelerate cannabis/marijuana and buds’ growth with MicrobeBio beneficial microbes

The first thought that comes to your mind when thinking about microorganisms in your cannabis/ marijuana garden is that they are a terrible thing for the growth of your plants. After all, microscopic creatures such as fungi and bacteria can cause diseases and may potentially ruin your harvest. Having said that, several microorganisms are capable of improving the overall health of your cannabis plants and assist in its growth.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of beneficial microbes, why they are important, and the different types of beneficial microbes that help in the growth of your cannabis plants and its roots.

What are the beneficial microbes for cannabis growth and enhance the efficacy of the cannabis flower?

Several microorganisms live on and around the plants’ roots in the soil. Because these microorganisms support the growth of the roots in the soil and provide benefits to your marijuana plants, they are known as beneficial microbes. Cannabis plants and microorganisms have a natural symbiotic relationship, wherein every root of every plant is connecting by a network of microbes. These microbes significantly promote the health of your cannabis plants and are thus considered as beneficial microbes.

Why use microbes in your cannabis and buds’ growth in your garden?

You can find the presence of microbes everywhere. They live in soil and water, on the surface of the human body and even inside the human bodies. These microorganisms are a group of fungi, bacteria, and viruses, some of which can also cause several different diseases. However, some of their species are also equally important to maintain good health for both humans as well as plants.

Just like humans, even plants need beneficial microbes for their survival and growth. Many growers know the importance of having beneficial microbes in their garden as they provide numerous benefits to their plants. These microbes live in the area known as the rhizosphere, which surrounds the roots of the plants. The microbes help in building what is known as the living soil, a substance with the help of several microorganisms. Each microbe has its own unique assets, wherein some of the microbes help in increasing the nutrient uptake, while others keep the pests away from destroying the roots and the plants.

As a result of this, these microbes have equal importance regardless of where you are growing the plants. That is, whether you are growing the plants in the hydroponics system or the soil, the use of beneficial microbes is quite essential for its enhanced growth. In fact, the use of microbes can be even more crucial when growing cannabis in hydroponic. As you will use fresh water all the time, it becomes essential to add useful microbes to the system. Having said that, working with soil is much simpler as they already have a wide range of microorganisms inhabiting it.

How microbes assist in the growth of your cannabis plant and buds and increase the strength of the buds?

Now that you understand that some microbes play an important part in the overall development and growth of your cannabis plant. However, do these beneficial microbes assist in your plant’s growth?

The beneficial microbes that you are going to add in your soil will help your cannabis plants to increases its much-needed nutrient uptake. This can either happen directly or through changing the nutrients and making them more easily accessible for the plants. Having said that, some of the microbes will help in stabilizing the pH, whereas others will help in protecting your cannabis plants by fighting bad microbes that can harm plant growth.

Overall, it means that beneficial microbes will ensure that your cannabis plants grow faster, bigger, and healthier with zero effort on your side, apart from maintaining a good soil environment in your garden. The following are the two ways of how beneficial microbes assist the growth of your cannabis plant.

  1. Nutrient uptake for your cannabis and buds growth

One of the major benefits offered by the use of beneficial microbes is the fact that they directly contribute to increasing the nutrient uptake of your cannabis plant. Improper pH level is the reason why nutrients lockout in the soil. As a result of this, nutrients form bonds under the soil, which makes it too heavy for the plants to consume. Moreover, due to their complex structure, plants find it difficult to break down.

This is where beneficial microbes come into the picture. These microbes consume the nutrients which your cannabis plant cannot and then secrete it in the form which is easily consumable by the plants. Now, these nutrients are not too heavy, thus providing easy access for the plants to consume them. This increases the nutrients uptake of your cannabis plants thus helping them to grow faster, bigger, and healthier.

  1. Protecting the root zone to increase potency growth and super buds

Apart from helping the cannabis plants to increase their nutrients uptake, beneficial microbes also assist in maintaining good health of the soil surrounding your cannabis plant. Harmful bacteria and pests can compromise the rhizosphere area of your marijuana plant. Moreover, you will not be able to see any signs of deterioration until the cannabis plant is heavily damaged and reaches the state that is much harder to control and fix.

Therefore, by making use of beneficial microbes in the soil surrounding your plant, you are creating a microbe-rich environment, where the good microbes can defeat the bad microbes. Having said that, the beneficial microbes provide your marijuana plant with the ability to recycle or use everything into easy food, while offering protection for the root zone of your cannabis plants. This means that your marijuana plants will get exactly what they want to get better protection from the diseases that affect their overall growth.

Which microbes are best for the healthy growth of your cannabis plant?

There are several different types of microbes that can assist in the growth of your cannabis plant and make the surrounding soil nutrients rich.

  1. Bacteria for enhancing potency cannabis and buds growth

These single-celled microbes can survive in several different environments. Having said that, there are several types of bacteria, some of which such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus tend to be harmful. However, there are some beneficial bacteria as well. These beneficial microbes include Cyanobacteria and Arthrobacter species. The beneficial bacteria provide the much-needed chemical changes allowing your cannabis plants to grow and fight off the diseases.

That said, bacteria can provide benefits in several ways. For instance, some of the bacteria’s can offer nitrogen to marijuana plants. Moreover, these bacteria also allow plants to take in and use the nutrients as they secrete enzymes which is easy to digest. Bacteria are also able to fight the insects organically, thus ensuring their better health and growth over a period of time. In addition to this, they also help in reducing the plants’ susceptibility to stress. 

  1. Fungi for super buds

There are several different species of fungi, out of which some are simple microorganisms, whereas others are highly complex in nature. Having said that, one type of species that are known to benefit the growth of the cannabis plant is mycorrhizae. This type of fungi helps in protecting the root of your cannabis plant from diseases, insects, and soil toxins. Moreover, fungi are better capable of getting water and nutrients from the soil due to their small-root-like structure known as the hyphae.

The mycorrhizae fungi can be seen as the extension of the roots of your plant that go deep into the soil. Because of this, plants are better able to get access to the essential nutrients they need to grow faster, stronger, and healthier. The expanding network of the fungi feeds the plant and the plants then secretes carbon and sugar from the root. And in turn, the fungi feed on it. Having said that, some of the fungi also increases the immune system and its resistance to various diseases.

  1. Nematodes for increase potency cannabis and extra-large buds

Nematodes are parasitic worms that live inside the soil. Having said that, there are several types of species, some of which can also harm the growth of your cannabis plant. However, there are other species such as Steinernema feltiae that feed on pests and protect the growth of your plants. As a result of this, nematodes help in reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

How to maintain the microbes in the soil efficiently for maximum cannabis grown and super buds?

With all that said, it is imperative to manage the microbes properly to ensure proper growth and benefits for your cannabis plant. Otherwise, there is no point in knowing all of the information discussed above.

  1. Soil for marijuana growth and super buds

First and foremost, you should introduce the beneficial microbes in the soil. After you put the microbes in the soil, it is imperative to take care of these microorganisms in the soil. So how do you care for the microbes, after they are inoculated in the soil?

The only thing you have to do is to keep the environment of your soil moist and maintain the correct temperature. Moreover, you also want to ensure that the microbes are fed. Yes, the plant will provide the microbes with the food. However, if you provide the microbes with the additional intake of carbohydrates in the form of molasses, you will get more benefits for your marijuana/ cannabis plants from these beneficial microbes.

  1. Avoid chemicals for maximum growth cannabis and super buds

There are several factors involved that help in the proper survival of beneficial microbes. Feeding the microbes with harmful chemicals can do irreparable harm to the microbes. For instance, if you are using hydrogen peroxide for killing harmful pests and bacteria in your garden, you will also kill the beneficial microbes, unintentionally.

If you are making use of fungicides to kill the bad fungi, it will also kill the beneficial microbes. Therefore, you should avoid using chemicals that can do more harm than good for the growth of your cannabis plant. Similarly, tap water is processed with chlorine or something even worse. Therefore, unless you purify the tap water, you should avoid using tap water as it can damage the biology of the soil. Even a simple reverse osmosis system installed at the faucet will clean the water and will make it safe for the growth of your cannabis plants.

  1. Hydroponics for enhancing the efficacy of cannabis growth and super buds

Using beneficial microbes to grow healthy cannabis plants in hydroponics is as easy as using microbes in the soil. Moreover, microbes in hydroponics can be added at a fraction of the soiling rate and at a greater effect. The only issue is that some microbes might survive only on the roots. Therefore, adding more than the needed amount will leave them floating unused in the solution.

Over a period of time, these microbes will decay and might have unwanted effects. However, you can avoid all of this by adding a small number of microbes. Another way to avoid this is to add the microbes a few days before you plan to replace the water in the reservoir. Doing so will flush out the microbes that did not attach to the root zone of your cannabis plant, thus leaving only the ones that got attached to the roots.

What MicrobeBio Offers for your cannabis/ marijuana plants to increase the growth and harvest extra-large buds?

The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom is the one product that you need to boost the growth of your cannabis plants. It combines naturally occurring, non-pathogenic bacteria and fungi, organic matter, essential macro and micro-nutrients to provide your cannabis plants with the optimal environment to grow, thrive, and manage stress. The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom preserves the vital nutrients present inside the soil at every growth stage of your cannabis plant.

The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom comes with beneficial microbes that assist your cannabis plant in fighting harmful pathogens and bacteria, which otherwise would destroy the rhizosphere of your plant. Moreover, the product breaks down the organic matter and provides the plant with essential nutrients present in the soil. Some of the other benefits of MicrobeBio Nature Phenom includes –

  1. The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom increases the defense mechanism of the plant and reduces the need for harmful pesticides and chemicals, which otherwise can damage the growth of your cannabis plants.
  2. The product aerates the surrounding soil and provides a better environment that fosters the habitation of earthworms and other essential insects that assist the growth of your plants.
  3. MicrobeBio Nature Phenom improves the soil structure and enhances the nutrient inside the soil. Moreover, it also reduces the salinity of the soil by making use of bacteria to produce phytohormones.
  4. Even under extreme environmental conditions, the MicrobeBio Nature Phenom makes the soil more porous and thus allowing better aeration, infiltration, and drainage of the soil.
  5. MicrobeBio Nature Phenom mobilizes the essential minerals such as potassium, phosphates, and trace elements in the soil. These minerals help in faster and better growth of the cannabis plants in your garden.

These are just a few benefits that the MicrobeBio Nature Phenom has to offer to your cannabis plant. Overall, Nature Phenom increases the nutrient uptake that improves the resistance of your plants to pathogens and diseases. Because of this, there is an increase in the size and the number of blooms. Moreover, the product also assists your marijuana plant in improving the taste and smell. And all of this is offered while reducing the need for maintaining the marijuana plant.


At MicrobeBio, we are committed to improving the productivity of the soil by offering products that are affordable and eco-friendly.

Think of MicrobeBio products like this – We’re the health food of plant food, and we’re here to put an end to all of the horticultural junk-food that has been shoved down Mother Nature’s gullet for far too long. You might say that MicrobeBio has taken the very best of Mother Nature and put it into a concentrated form, and like all-natural products should be, we never use growth hormones or GMOs, never irradiate, and we never use any chemicals that are harmful to humans, livestock or the planet.




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